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Global Development Consultancy, Training & Resources


What is TorqAid

We’re a participatory humanitarian practice which focuses in on Consultancy work, Training and Research.  This Home Page summarises our five key Strengths.  Firstly, like many contemporary colleagues, we combine a rich experience of overseas humanitarian practice with Australian-based Emergency Management work. We also have a small cadre of experienced Global Humanitarian Practitioners (GHPs) with whom we share advice and ideas. Secondly, disasters are complex events, and over the years we have developed four key diagrams which express these patterns. A DRM Framework article explaining this can be found in our Resources Page. Thirdly, we’ve incorporated this experience into a Participatory Disaster Risk Management (PDRM) training program, which is delivered in both workshop and online formats.   Fourthly, we’ve developed, and update quarterly, both a Global Humanitarian and Development Bibliography and a similar Aid Directory.  These are included in our TorqAid Toolkit. Fifthly, we endeavour to make our work ’participatory’.  We fine-tune our training programs and diagrams from comments made by field practitioners and students.  We also utilise the Ten Seed Technique (TST) ranking tool to dig down deep into hearing and understanding a community’s strengths and challenges.

  • Consultancy

  • Training

  • Resources


TorqAid has been facilitating accredited Participatory Disaster Risk Management (PDRM) and Participatory Project Management (PPM) workshops since 2002, both across Australia and overseas.  Altogether a total of over 110 PDRM & PPM workshops have been facilitated in this time period. An online accredited PDRM course has also been running since 2016. For both the workshop and online program, the PDRM consists of ten topics.  For those otherwise eligible candidates seeking Advanced Standing, three assignment questions also have to be succesfully answered.

Humanitarian Consultancy & Advisory Services

The TorqAid Director currently has worked as a humanitarian consultant, adviser and researcher for a number of agencies across Australia and overseas.  His clientele has included NGOs, UN agencies, Government Departments, and other stakeholders.  His work has included involvement in both natural hazards and complex emergencies/crises, across the Disaster Risk Management Cycle.

Latest News

Online PDRM program

Our 2024 online Participatory Disaster Risk Management (PDRM) program is running from the 26 February through to mid June 2024. The intended outcome of this program is to provide the knowledge & skills to enable the participant to better understand, plan and implement humanitarian initiatives across the Disaster Risk Management Cycle (DRMC). Ten topics overall are taught on a weekly basis. When accompanied by three assessment tasks, the PDRM is given Advanced Standing towards a number of Master level courses (eg Sustainable Development, Development Studies) offered by Murdoch University, Perth.


The ‘Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Diagrammatic Framework’ article covers the four key TorqAid diagrams (DRMC, DRR, DRM Planning, PMC) which help explain and clarify humanitarian disasters. This DRM framework is covered in detail in both the online PDRM program commencing the 26 February 2024, as well as other client based PDRM training offered throughout 2024.

Humanitarian Training

Our main humanitarian training focuses around the accredited Participatory Disaster Risk Management (PDRM) program.  This is delivered both as a workshop or as an online course for clients.  Ten topics in all are covered in the PDRM.  Our annual online 2024 PDRM program is being taught from the 26 February through to the 7 June 2024, with weekly Zoom teaching sessions held at 8pm Melbourne time on a Thursday over a ten week period. See the Training Page for more details.


The TorqAid Toolkit is a fantastic compendium of humanitarian and development resources for both the practitioner and interested individual.